2 events found.
Evergreen Theatre
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- Evergreen Theatre
1705 Poplar Ave
Memphis, TN 38103 United States Get Directions
Memphis, TN 38103 United States Get Directions
(901) 846-5640
Events at this venue
Tia Pancha
Evergreen Theatre 1705 Poplar Ave, Memphis, TN, United StatesThe Classic Christmas Story of Scrooge with a latin twist. See how Tia Pancha learns about the true meaning of the Christmas Spirit, as well as its traditions, music and food! La Historia clásica de Navidad de Scrooge con un toque muy latino.Vea cómo la Tia Pancha aprende sobre el verdadero significado del espíritu de […]
$15 – $25
Tia Pancha
Evergreen Theatre 1705 Poplar Ave, Memphis, TN, United StatesThe Classic Christmas Story of Scrooge with a latin twist. See how Tia Pancha learns about the true meaning of the Christmas Spirit, as well as its traditions, music and food! La Historia clásica de Navidad de Scrooge con un toque muy latino.Vea cómo la Tia Pancha aprende sobre el verdadero significado del espíritu de […]
$15 – $25